U.S. National Bankruptcy File

This list contains the freshest individual bankruptcy information available for the entire USA. Names, addresses, phone numbers of individuals upon filing for Chapter 7 or 13 relief, and those just discharged from bankruptcy proceedings as soon as yesterday, and going back as far as five years. For information about this highly specialized list, please contact us if you are not already an existing customer and would like to get set up.

Because we compile and maintain our list, we guarantee that you are receiving the most up to date and accurate data available. Our commitment to ensure each transaction is unique and valuable for our clients transfers directly to their goals and bottom line. We gather data daily directly from courthouses nationwide.

Our expertise allows our clients to identify highly responsive consumers and communicate offers for products and services that will engage them to buy.

Our database currently holds over 17 million records and offers a wide scope of relevant information such as filing dates, dismissals, discharges, Chapter 7 and Chapter 13. All data is standardized, CASS Certified and DPV coded. USPS National Change of Address (NCOA) is run as data is gathered, prior to submission to our master database.

Counts are available 24-hours a day and our online system is easy to use. If you don’t already have an account, contact us today!